Report from ASI

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Report from ASI

It’s so hard to believe that a year ago, my friend Ryan, my then fiance Mia, and myself set off on an epic, cross-country road trip to Sacremento, CA. The event: ASI. The reason: an idea. Ryan and I, having a passion for young people and a love of media, came up with the idea to turn a dream into a reality, starting a media ministry. UnScene Media had been born a few months before. I’d just returned from a mission trip to Zimbabwe, and Ryan suggested we attend ASI to see if we could cast our vision to others and gain support. We attended, and it was good, but all we had was the idea.

Jermaine Johnson explains the WARPLANS project to a woman at UnScene Media Group’s booth
(ASI 2012, Cincinnati, OH)

A year later, here we are. It’s not just a dream or a nice idea; this time it’s a reality. UnScene Media is off the ground, with 3 projects completed and more projects in queue. So far, we’ve completed Zimbabwe: This Soil Also, the life changing story of a band of missionaries determined to stop at nothing to spread the gospel in rural Zimbabwe. Decided: A Tale of Two Atheists tells the remarkable story of two young men who grew up Christians and turned to Atheism, and it explores why and how people make these decisions in life. Our main project, WARPLANS, is the beginning of a huge project, a complete series on spiritual warfare, carefully examining our enemy, our ally, our weapons, and our battleground, discovering revolutionary strategies for eternal victory.

We thank God for having completed this much work through us in this short time, and we look forward to the next chapter, continuing this quest to bring the unseen realities of God into the minds of our brothers and sisters through dynamic visual media.

  1. I have no doubt that God is going to bless your efforts to make practical messages relevant to young people and grant you success. Never doubt Him, keep praying and listening to the Holy Spirit. You will not only survive, but thrive! Peace.

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