The Kingdom

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The Kingdom

It is with a profound sadness that I have watched the unfolding events surrounding this election. I have nothing to say over Obama or Romney. My questions are for all of us who call ourselves by the name of Christ–all who bear the name Christian. May we take a few moments to reflect on how our time has been spent in the past days, weeks, months, and even years?

  • How much time have we spent supporting a candidate?
  • How many posts, shares, comments, or likes have we doled out?
  • How much have we argued for or against a party or politician?
  • How intently were our eyes fixed to the screen for the coming of a man?

On the other hand:

  • How much time have we spent advancing the Kingdom of Heaven?
  • How many posts, shares, comments, or likes have we committed to His glory?
  • How much have we advocated Him as the only path to abundant life now and forever?
  • How intently are our eyes fixed to the heavens for the coming of God?

If our focus has been more dedicated to the kingdoms of this world than the coming of its Creator, I plead earnestly that we all have a reality check. Can we please look back to the only thing of importance in this life to any bible-believing Christian? Can we please make sure we dedicate ourselves more to God and the words of His mouth than to men and the words of their mouths? My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is my appeal to all of us. I am not calling us to ignore the world around us or the political movements within it. I am begging us to give Christ and His Kingdom greater focus, excitement, and personal advocating than we do for politicians.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God. His kingdom is not of this world. Let His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Looking for and hastening the day of the Lord, when we will say, “Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us.” Even so, come Lord Jesus.


Matthew 6:33, John 18:36, Matthew 6:10, 2 Peter 3:12, Isaiah 25:9, Revelation 22:20.

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